The fearless bull

We activate and scale brands in retail with a goal of cross-channel domination

Stop wasting time and money on faulty and ineffective ad campaigns.

It’s time to plan your distribution/wholesale/retail, scale your business and blow up your B2B sales

WE GUARANTEE: No advertising budget needed but ONLY

positive ROI

Retail/Wholesale services

Because every retailer speaks its own language and has its own unique processes, brands either need a large internal team with innate retail knowledge, or a trusted agency partner…or both.
We provide this level of expertise to our brand partners, acting as an extension of their team, and work in partnership with them to craft deliberate retail strategies designed to scale their business and deliver a consistent experience across all channels of commerce.

What are you waiting for?
Schedule your FREE discovery call below.

What we offer:

Retail Strategy

Our team works to influence, build, and strengthen retail strategies to help our brand partners compete, and excel, in today’s complex retail environment. We craft deliberate retail strategies at the world’s largest distributor/wholesalers/retailers to help grow and scale our brand partners’ businesses across all channels of commerce.

Sales + Business Development

We help brands scale in retail through deliberate retail sales and business development strategy, insights derived from data and analytics, and retail experience and proven expertise across our teams. We thrive in dreaming up creative ideas and finding new ways for consumers to engage with brands throughout the sales cycle.

Data + Analytics

We give our brand partners the insights they need to make smarter business decisions that lead to rapid growth and scalability. With access to comprehensive retail data and analytics, we pave the path to more comprehensive understanding for our brands through category management, deep analysis, shopper metrics, and proprietary tools.

Amazon + Marketplace

With unmatched access to the leading online retailers, we build strategies and experiences that inform and inspire consumers at the digital shelf.

Brands that trust us


We have relationships with retail buyers.


Our Team at Pace Media has formed extensive relationships with retail buyers and have sold in every product category to large retailers across the world.

Tap in to our Retail Relationships.

Target Large Retailers.

Secure Large Purchase Orders.

Sell Direct.

Save Time.

Save Money.

About Us

Timothy Lee founded Pace Media

Timothy Lee founded Pace Media while still pursuing his studies in the medical field. The ambition as an entrepreneur is to be regarded as an influencial figure towards the younger generation and continuously nurture the best talents in the Agency/Brokerage commerce Industry. He has made it this company’s mission to provide businesses with the best ROI via cross-channel domination.
Intermediaries are the core facilitators of the distribution channel and work to connect products and consumers. They are influential in getting products onto stores because they have the necessary insights to market the products. As a result, it is cost-effective for intermediaries to be utilized rather than companies attempting to perform distribution practices independently.
New businesses/startups are always welcomed because we believe collaboration leads us all forward! Pace Media will pace up any company that is ready for the collaboration. “For so many years, I always tried to find people smarter than I am. My job is to make sure that the smart people can work together.” Jack Ma
“For so many years, I always tried to find people smarter than I am. My job is to make sure that the smart people can work together.” Jack Ma

The logo for Pace Media and Timothy is a representation of the founder’s personality. The astrological sign, Taurus by way of an aspect known as “The Bull” suggests that he is one who knows they have to work hard until victory comes or else there will be no time off from their goal being reached. Timothy recruits employees who are similarly driven as himself so they may take on any project in pursuit of excellence against all odds – which can be seen through their V shaped logo mark meaning victory at every turn. The founder’s fierce ambition only flourishes when combined among peers vying together towards common goals under his leadership since each individual feels valued and loved as one big family.

Schedule your call with Timothy

Free 15-Minute Demo Call

By the end of this Audit call, you will have a clear understanding of the next steps you can take for your business to start generating consistent and reliable results via cross channel distribution.

Find a time on Timothy’s calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!


  • Businesses looking to expand their retail strategies.
  • Businesses looking to conquer other countries via Distributors, wholesalers and retailers.
  • Businesses looking to understand different channels to optimise B2B sales.
  • Businesses looking for a reliable agency that can make their company a priority.

Have A General Inquiry?

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak to our expert team, you can contact us via email at:

PACE INTERNATIONAL LTD -Business Registration Number: C10007738

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